I do an animation series called John and Loonof. Yeah.

Tyler @TylerBasham

Age 24, Male


Nah. I don't want you to know.

Oakland, CA

Joined on 6/23/16

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I'm aware that this is very late, but I feel like I still wanted to talk about it all.

This year was even less productive than last year relating to animations I think, but that's honestly something I think I'm okay with this time around. Last year I felt like I had to justify the fact that I couldn't get much out, but I feel like this year I really don't need to (but I'm still gonna.)

I spent a lot of time this year being a normal teen: goofing off, hanging out with friends, and going pretty brainless, which is something I hadn't really done for the past couple of years. It was relieving to not impose any deadlines on myself and to just drop anything to spend time with my friends (and family too, for that matter) in a way I hadn't in the years before. This was a year where I definitely prioritized my non-artistic side of myself, and prioritized the social side of myself. It's not every day I can make memories with my high school friends, but I can ALWAYS sit down with a tablet and a pen whenever I want.

What I'm trying to say is that my year was a really good one. I met lots of new people, found new interests, and ultimately settled into a groove I really enjoyed seeing myself in. I expanded my horizons this year, tried new things, and ultimately made as many memories as I possibly could. As the idea of college creeps up on me (only a couple months away now...) I decided it was time to spend all my waking hours with those who meant the most to me. I didn't want to sit in my room as time flew by when I could be out and about doing things. Which is exactly what I did. I'm very thankful for all those moments I got to spend with all my favorite people. They won't see this, but I want them to know they mean the world to me and the memories I made this year are ones I'll keep forever.

I became a legal adult this year as well, an idea that had daunted me for years and still does to this day. I began seeing taxes calculated as part of my paycheck, and I was handed my first voting ballot for my local government elections. It was really weird, and it put a lot into perspective for me. Before I enter adulthood, I had to make sure I had enjoyed my childhood, which I guess I hadn't enjoyed as much when I was pushing myself to get videos done. Never again will I consider that my number one priority anymore. Time is fleeting and the Earth keeps on moving, so I can't continue to stay in my room doodling away at the same rate I used to. Life has to come first. And this year I let that happen.

This isn't me going,"I'm DONE animating because I have more important business" because that isn't the case. I have at least 3 new animated projects in the works along with the next installment of my graphic novel series, which I hope to get out within the next year or so. However, I'm trying to hold myself to a much more impressive standard for my works, and with my re-prioritization of time, I really don't think it'll be a speedy process. Quality over quantity, is what I'm going for.

It's not to say everything about this year was all perfect. I had my lows, but who doesn't? They weren't nearly as bad as 2020-2021's hellscape, and I feel so honored that I was able to enjoy this year to the fullest. 2022 really was where I felt like I defined myself outside of the artistic realm, and I think that's definitely something I want to prioritize as #1 into the future. Thanks for understanding, and I hope to see you around soon!



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960 Points

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Sharecropping 5 Points

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Metallurgy 5 Points

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Infinite Space 5 Points

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Shelter 5 Points

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How stupid are you? 5 Points

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Added to pumpkins for Carve n' Share Jan 9, 2017.

Dot Dot Dot

Added to syncdata for Talk Head Nov 29, 2016.


Added to levels for Madness Throne (Demo) Sep 30, 2016.